Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Larry Bruce is....

My sister and I have decided to create this blog to bring light to different things that our father did to/for us growning up. Lets start off with telling you who Larry is.

When you first meet Larry he is going to be very consertivie, proper and quiet. He is a typical Southern, Repulican, Church of Christ, reitired military man. Then... the second, third and fourth time, you are going to really get to know the real Larry. He may tell you jokes about anything and everything, why Obama is ruining our country, a really cool story about himself and maybe a historical lesson too.

Larry's favorite past times as told by his facebook interests: growing roses, photography, creative writting, houston military affairs, family and friends, and Canyon Lake.

The more posts you read, the more you will understand who this Father of 2 really is.


  1. Haha good job so far. I need the password, after this AM call- my mind is reeling with other strange request we’ve had to comply with in order to make sure Poncho is a functioning human.

  2. I think the title should be changed to Father knows Best
