Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not Censored

Growing up Kelly and I were not censored to much. We were reminded of this after watching the Rocky Horror episode on Glee.
When I was about four years old my favorite movie of all time was not Snow White, or anything close to Disney related. It was none other than the 80's classic, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"

This was a classic movie for a 4 year old, learning all about abortion, sex, and drugs.
When my Sunday school teacher came over for dinner one evening I came running up to my parents begging them to let me watch my favorite movie. The sweet Sunday school teacher leans down and says, "oh, Ashley what movie did you want to watch?" (expecting it to be a G rated movie) I look up with a big smile and say, "Fast Times!"

So Fast Times was an ultimate favorite, another classic would be Pretty Woman. I can clearly remember my parents leaving us with the babysitter and telling her to just cover our eyes and fast forward through all sex scenes.

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